Tea bag cookies

Chef in disguise

I have a love affair with tea! My husband knows and he doesn’t mind :p
Whenever we go shopping I usually get stuck at the tea aisle! There is always a new combo or flavor to try! Moroccan mint green tea is my current favorite but since I go through  at least 4-5 big mugs (500+ ml) of tea every day.I have a drawer dedicated to tea in the kitchen along with two tea boxes in the living room, so there is always room for a new blend or flavor!
Ireresistible teabag cookies chef in disguise
 When it was time to choose this month’s  secret recipe club I went through my assigned blog Claire K creations‘ archives bookmarking quite a few recipes but when I saw her tea bag biscuit recipe, it was love at first sight. I consulted with the kids (they always get the final say in selecting my SRC recipe…

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